Make a Donation To Christmas Daddies

Your donation will help less fortunate children living at home with their families, all of whom are facing economic or unusual circumstances.

When making a donation

We recommend you do not use an IPad or an IPhone to make a donation online. So sorry, but we are experiencing technical difficulties when donors use Safari.

Donations Made to Christmas Daddies
Are Tax Deductible

Charitable tax receipts are issued in January and February.

The Salvation Army will issue a charitable tax receipt for donations of $20 or more – with full name & complete mailing address including postal code.

Donors who provide an email address will have their charitable tax receipt emailed.

If you did not provide a mailing address when you made your donation please contact the Christmas Daddies office.
Be sure to tell us your full name, complete mailing address, including postal code (and apartment # if that applies to you).
Kindly let us know how you made your donation, options include credit card, RBC, PayPal, e-transfer or at a Credit Union.

Please note that 50/50 tickets are not eligible for a charitable tax receipt.